How to Grow Your Business Online: A Woman’s Guide to Thriving in the Digital World

From one boss lady to another, I wanted to provide you with some tips and tricks to help grow your business online. I’ve spent countless hours trying, testing, and wanted to save you the work in this article. You’ve established your business, built it from the ground up, and now you’re wondering, “How can I […]
Balancing Tech & Touch: Navigating the World of AI in Small Business Marketing
Let’s take a moment and dive into something that’s been making significant waves in the small business world: Artificial Intelligence, or as it’s more commonly known, AI. Now, if you’re imagining something straight out of a sci-fi movie, you’re not alone. But AI isn’t as space-age as it seems, and it’s dramatically reshaping the marketing […]
How to Determine If AI is Right For Your Business Blogging Needs
Curious about how you can leverage Artificial Intelligence to create blogs for your business? AI is touted as the tool that will revolutionize various industries, including content creation. With AI-powered tools, businesses can save time and money in the process of writing blogs. AI utilizes algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to produce automated […]
Solidifying a Web Presence Through Maximizing Google Reviews
Google reviews are a great way of boosting your business’ visibility and getting customer feedback. They can be immensely helpful for both long-term and new customers, as they provide an unbiased look into the services you offer. This blog will explain why Google reviews are essential, the benefits they bring to businesses, how to gain […]
How To Grow Your Business Online With Social Media Marketing!
You’ve probably seen brands like Slack, GoPro, and Dove on social media and been wowed by their content. These companies publish posts that significantly bolster their awareness, engagement, and sales conversion with their audience. It’s important to note the success of social media marketing isn’t mutually exclusive to well-known brands with a built-in advantage. Studies […]
Why you should outsource your marketing in 2022!
Yes, You Should Outsource Your Marketing. Here’s Why: We understand why a small business owner might initially hesitate to hire an outside marketing agency. You’re a DIYer to your core because that’s what it took to get your business off the ground. You bust your hump day in and day out, pushing yourself to make […]
Why a Website is an Important Business Tool in 2021?
A website is a portal to your business. It is a gateway so that customers can interact with you, find information about you, and hopefully purchase products and/or services from you. This year, you should give weight to your website. Make sure that it is well developed, streamlined, and has excellent SEO. Without an intuitive […]
How to Build a Website in 2020!
You don’t need to be an expert web-designer or coder to build a website in 2020. All you need is an understanding of the various components that make up a site. In the past, the daunting technical components may have deterred you from launching your own site. But nowadays, thanks to website hosting servers, the […]
Why Does Web Design Cost So Much?
Have you been trying to figure out how to revamp your website for as cheap as possible? Maybe you’ve done some extensive research, or you haven’t. Either way, stop and consider if cutting costs on web design is a smart decision: Why do you want to create a website? Are you looking to give customers […]
20 Easy Tips to Grow Your Business Online in 2020
In this day and age, anyone who owns a business should know the importance of growing their brand online. Without good web design, SEO, sales strategy, and social media platforms, it becomes hard to keep up with all of the competitive businesses out there. This is because digital marketing is now a vital part of […]
A basic guide to increasing site traffic
We often get asked “how do I get more traffic to our website?” The answer to that is almost always “it depends” and we wanted to take a moment to address some of the ways to increase site traffic. Full disclaimer: A LOT of factors contribute to site ranking and traffic, but this list contains […]
How to Make Your Website More Profitable in 2019!
There was a time where having a website was an accomplishment. It was the same time that Jerry Seinfeld captured the hearts of millions with his observational humor. When Blockbuster still existed. When ‘Pogs’ were a thing. It’s no longer that time. Nor has it been for over 2 decades. The fact is, the online […]
10 Things DIY Website Builders Get Wrong
So, you own your own business and funds are tight. Navigating through those initial development stages is hard for even the most successful moguls. As a result, you’re lacing up your bootstraps, tightening your belt, and doing all the other clichés that imply you’re wearing many hats in order to save money on overhead costs. […]
5 ways to rock your Small Business Social Media in 2019!
Welcome to the New Year, you made it! I’m sure by now you’ve created some resolutions for your small business, like make more money using social media!? I wish I could tell you the one secret to making it big on social media, but there isn’t a magic formula. I do have a few tricks […]
Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency, Why & How!
Many businesses share in the common misconception that simply putting up a website is enough to be able to check “digital marketing” off their to-do list. In reality, the online side of your business requires a lot of attention, both up-front and on an ongoing basis, if you want your audience to find it. The […]
The Importance of Social Media and Its Key Benefits to Small Businesses
It’s no secret that social media plays a big part in our lives today. As consumers spend more of their time on a variety of social media platforms, its influence on purchase decisions continues to grow. So how much does social media impact the success of businesses today? Fact #1: According to Forbes, 81% of […]
Five Things to Boost Online Traffic
Paid traffic will only get you so far. When your advertising budget is tight, or entirely non-existent, organic traffic is what’s going to be there to keep your site going. But, how do you get organic traffic and how can you maximize the traffic you are getting? Here are five tips to help you out. […]
Why Small Businesses Need a Professional Website Now More Than Ever
On an average, a person spends 24 hours online every week (The 2017 Digital Future Report) and if your business is not on the internet yet then that’s a lot of opportunities you’re missing out on. Having an online presence has become mandatory for growing businesses, whether they’re big or small, old or new. After […]